Shraddha Kapoor, the beloved daughter of Shakti and Shivangi Kapoor, continues to enchant her followers with a series of delightful moments shared with her father, Shakti Kapoor, on social media. Known for her vibrant presence on Instagram, Shraddha often delights fans with reels featuring her “bapu”, showcasing their endearing bond. On the occasion of Shakti Kapoor’s birthday, we take a nostalgic journey through some of their most beloved and entertaining interactions that have taken the internet by storm.
Shakti Kapoor, renowned for delivering some of Bollywood’s most iconic dialogues, has carved a niche for himself with his impeccable comic timing and unique flair. Besides his illustrious career in cinema, Shakti shines brightly in his role as a devoted father to Shraddha Kapoor and her sibling Siddhanth Kapoor. The dynamic between Shraddha and Shakti is not just heartwarming but also highly entertaining, often leaving their followers in awe of their close-knit relationship.
One of the highlights from their father-daughter chronicles is a reel shared by Shraddha in February, where Shakti Kapoor can be seen dancing to the lively tune of “Show Me The Thumka” from Shraddha’s film “Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar”. The video captures Shakti’s infectious energy and his characteristic thumkas, much to the delight of Shraddha, who couldn’t resist sharing the joy with her fans. Her caption, “#MaaroThumka Best Thumkas meri story pe jayenge!!!”, perfectly encapsulates her excitement and love for her beloved bapu’s dance moves.
Shraddha’s Instagram, which boasts a plethora of such reels and pictures, also includes a cozy video depicting a laid-back day at home. This particular reel features Shakti Kapoor and their adorable pet, Shyloh, providing a glimpse into their serene and cherished moments away from the limelight. The post resonated with many of their fans, drawing attention to the softer, more personal side of the Bollywood icon.
In a touching post dedicated to Father’s Day in 2019, Shraddha Kapoor delved into her photo archives to unearth a beautiful picture with her father. Her heartfelt message accompanying the picture read, “Baapu.. my guiding light. My pillar of strength, belief and love.
. The wind beneath my wings. You always told me that I could do and be whatever I want to be. Thank you for showing me that the sky is limitless. I love you. Happy Father’s Day.” This post not only radiated the deep bond they share but also highlighted the pivotal role Shakti Kapoor has played in her life, both personally and professionally.
Adding to their collection of timeless moments, Shraddha also shared a sweet selfie with Shakti Kapoor on Instagram, which was a simple yet profound expression of her love and admiration for her father. The caption read, “He is just the best. Happy Father’s Day Baapu,” mirroring the close-knit relationship they enjoy. This selfie was another testament to their undeniable chemistry and the affection they have for each other.
Further showcasing their adorable bond, Shraddha and Shakti once twinned in black outfits for a mirror selfie that was widely appreciated by their followers. Shraddha shared this stylish picture on Instagram with the caption, “Time to step out, get going, baby steps, here we go!” This post not only captured their sartorial elegance but also symbolized their journey together through life’s various stages.
Despite Shakti Kapoor’s evolving roles in the entertainment industry, with his last noted appearances in the Malayalam film “Lucifer” in 2019 and the web series “Guilty Minds” in 2022, his role as a doting father remains a constant. While he continues to captivate audiences with his performances, the glimpses of his personal life with Shraddha provide a refreshing contrast to his on-screen persona.
In conclusion, Shraddha Kapoor and Shakti Kapoor’s relationship is a heartening blend of love, laughter, and camaraderie. Whether it’s through dance reels, cozy home videos, or heartfelt posts, this father-daughter duo consistently wins hearts and sets an example of familial love in the glamorous world of Bollywood. As we celebrate Shakti Kapoor’s birthday, we look forward to more such cherished moments from Shraddha and her “bapu”, which surely promise to keep their fans entertained and inspired.