In a series of heartfelt Instagram stories, Bollywood star Anushka Sharma brought her fans a closer look at her intimate Raksha Bandhan celebrations. The festivities held at her home were particularly special this year as they marked the first Rakhi for her newborn son, Akaay, who shared the occasion with his elder sister, Vamika. Anushka shared a charming picture of two intricately crocheted rakhis in the shape of cars, adding a simple yet touching caption, “Happy Raksha Bandhan.”
The celebration highlights the joy that has surrounded the Sharma-Kohli household in recent years. Anushka and cricketer Virat Kohli’s journey has been one closely watched by fans and media alike since they tied the knot on December 11, 2017, in a fairytale wedding in Italy. The couple welcomed their first child, Vamika, on January 11, 2021, amid much excitement and media frenzy. Despite the public’s curiosity, the couple has diligently kept Vamika away from the limelight, a decision that has been equally applied to their son, Akaay, who was born on February 15 of this year.
Announcing the birth of Akaay, Anushka and Virat posted a heartwarming message on social media, saying, “With abundant happiness and our hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay & Vamika’s little brother into this world. We seek your blessings and good wishes in this beautiful time in our lives. We request you to kindly respect our privacy at this time. Love & Gratitude. Virat & Anushka.”
The couple has been quite vocal about their decision to keep their children’s lives private. In an earlier official statement, Virat and Anushka elaborated on this, stating, “We have decided as a couple to not expose our child to social media before she has an understanding of what social media is and can make her own choice.” This determination to shield their children from the relentless gaze of the media has been appreciated by their fans and the media alike.
In a gesture of gratitude, the couple sent gift hampers to paparazzi in May, thanking them for respecting their children’s privacy.
. The hampers included diverse goodies such as a power bank, a small storage bag for essentials on the go, a smartwatch, and a water bottle. Attached to the hamper was a heartfelt note that read, ‘Thank you for respecting the privacy of our kids and for always being cooperative! Love, Anushka and Virat’. Such actions underscore the couple’s deep appreciation for the understanding shown by the media in these matters.
On the professional front, Anushka Sharma has been busy with her upcoming project, ‘Chakda Xpress,’ a sports biopic based on the life of former Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami. This project has generated a buzz among fans and critics, eagerly awaiting its release on an OTT platform. The film promises to bring an inspiring story of grit and perseverance to life, showcasing Anushka’s versatility as an actor. However, the final release date of the film is yet to be announced.
Anushka’s commitment to her family remains evident even as she continues to push boundaries in her professional career. The Raksha Bandhan celebrations, as encapsulated in her Instagram post, show a delicate balancing act between public life and personal happiness. The picture of the car-shaped rakhis resonates with simplicity and love, symbolizing the precious bond between Akaay and Vamika.
The festive mood extends beyond just the family, creating a ripple of joy among her vast number of fans. Social media platforms brim with well-wishes and congratulatory messages. It’s moments like these that reinforce the idea that even in the world of glamour and lights, it’s the simple, heartfelt gestures that truly resonate.
As Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli move forward, continuing to safeguard their family’s privacy while still sharing snippets of their joy, they set a remarkable example for balancing public fame and personal space. Their heartfelt Raksha Bandhan celebrations serve as a beautiful reminder of the bonds that keep us grounded, regardless of the number of eyes watching.