Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma recently took to her Instagram stories to share heartfelt moments from her Raksha Bandhan celebrations at home. This year’s Raksha Bandhan was especially significant for the family as it marked Anushka’s baby boy Akaay’s first rakhi with his elder sister, Vamika. Anushka posted a charming picture featuring two crocheted rakhis in the shape of cars. Accompanying the photo, she wrote a simple yet sweet message, “Happy Raksha Bandhan.”
Anushka Sharma and her cricketer husband Virat Kohli have always been in the limelight ever since their marriage. The celebrity couple tied the knot on December 11, 2017, in a fairytale wedding held in Italy. Their first child, Vamika, was born on January 11, 2021, bringing immense joy and happiness into their lives. However, they chose to keep the arrival of their second baby, Akaay, relatively secretive, and the news came as a delightful surprise to their fans.
On February 15 of this year, Anushka and Virat shared the joyous news of their son Akaay’s birth via a heartfelt social media post. The couple wrote, “With abundant happiness and our hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay & Vamika’s little brother into this world. We seek your blessings and good wishes in this beautiful time in our lives. We request you to kindly respect our privacy at this time. Love & Gratitude. Virat & Anushka.”
Despite their superstar status, Anushka and Virat have taken meticulous efforts to shield their children from the relentless attention of the media. Both Vamika and the newborn Akaay have been kept away from the public eye.
. Earlier, the couple issued an official statement revealing their reasons for doing so. “We have decided as a couple to not expose our child to social media before she has an understanding of what social media is and can make her own choice,” they explained.
Their attempt to maintain privacy extends to communicating directly with paparazzi. In May, the celebrity couple sent thoughtful gift hampers to members of the press, expressing their gratitude for respecting their children’s privacy. The hampers included practical goodies like a power bank, a small bag for storing essentials on the go, a smartwatch, and a water bottle. Alongside these items was a heartfelt note from Anushka and Virat that read, “Thank you for respecting the privacy of our kids and for always being cooperative! Love, Anushka and Virat.”
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Anushka Sharma is set to make a compelling return to the big screen with her upcoming sports biopic film ‘Chakda Xpress.’ The project is a tribute to the life and career of former Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami and will be available for streaming on OTT platforms. Fans are eagerly awaiting the final release date of this exciting venture.
The Raksha Bandhan post and the restrained glimpse into her personal life that Anushka shared perfectly exemplify the duo’s balanced approach to fame and privacy. They continue to captivate their fans with both their professional endeavors and personal life milestones, handled with grace and respect. Indeed, moments like these add a touch of warmth and relatability to the star couple, making them beloved figures both on and off-screen.
As the couple continues to navigate the complexities of parenthood and stardom, their open yet guarded approach serves as a model for many. Their commitment to providing a normal upbringing for their children, despite the pressures of being in the public eye, is both admirable and inspiring. Through heartfelt posts and carefully curated glimpses into their lives, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli continue to share their journey with their fans while ensuring the protection and well-being of their beloved children.