In a warm display of familial affection, Bollywood star Anushka Sharma offered her followers a glimpse into her family’s intimate Raksha Bandhan celebrations. Taking to her Instagram stories, the actress shared a significant milestone in her household: this year’s Raksha Bandhan marked her baby boy Akaay’s first rakhi with his elder sister Vamika. The post featured a charming picture of two crocheted rakhis, meticulously crafted to resemble cars, honoring the special bond between her two children. The photo was accompanied by a simple yet heartfelt caption, “Happy Raksha Bandhan,” encapsulating the essence of the occasion.
As a celebrated couple, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have consistently succeeded in capturing the public’s fascination. The couple’s journey together began with an enchanting wedding in Italy on December 11, 2017. Since then, their lives have been a series of joyous announcements. Their daughter, Vamika, was born on January 11, 2021. Despite the couple’s global fame, Anushka and Virat have been notably private about their family life. They kept their second pregnancy under wraps until February 15 of this year when they joyfully welcomed their son, Akaay, into the world.
Announcing the birth of their son, the couple shared their excitement through a heartfelt social media post: “With abundant happiness and our hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that on 15th February, we welcomed our baby boy Akaay & Vamika’s little brother into this world. We seek your blessings and good wishes in this beautiful time in our lives. We request you to kindly respect our privacy at this time. Love & Gratitude. Virat & Anushka.”
Staying true to their desire for privacy, Anushka and Virat have made a conscious effort to keep their children, Vamika and Akaay, out of the media spotlight. Earlier, the couple issued an official statement explaining their decision to shield their children from social media until they are old enough to understand and make their own choices. “We have decided as a couple to not expose our child to social media before she has an understanding of what social media is and can make her own choice,” they stated.
Their stance on privacy has been consistently respected by the media.
. In May, the couple sent personalized gift hampers to members of the paparazzi as a token of gratitude for respecting their children’s privacy. The hampers were thoughtfully curated, containing practical items such as a power bank, a small essentials bag, a smartwatch, and a water bottle. Each hamper was accompanied by a sincere note that read, “Thank you for respecting the privacy of our kids and for always being cooperative! Love, Anushka and Virat.”
On the professional front, Anushka Sharma continues to make waves in the film industry. She is currently working on a sports biopic titled ‘Chakda Xpress,’ which chronicles the life of former Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami. The film, which is set to be released on an OTT platform, has already garnered significant anticipation. However, fans are still awaiting the final release date.
Raksha Bandhan, a festival celebrated widely across India, is a day dedicated to the bond between siblings. Traditionally, sisters tie a rakhi (a protective amulet) around their brothers’ wrists, symbolizing love and protection. In return, brothers give gifts and vow to protect their sisters. Anushka’s heartfelt post not only highlighted the essence of this festival but also provided a rare glimpse into her personal life, making the celebration even more special for her fans.
This year’s Raksha Bandhan was particularly poignant for Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s family, as it marked a new chapter with baby Akaay receiving his first rakhi from Vamika. The adorable car-shaped rakhis posted by Anushka on her Instagram are a testament to the creativity and love that went into making the occasion memorable.
Despite their public personas, Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have managed to maintain a significant level of privacy about their personal lives. Their efforts to create a protective environment for their children are commendable, as evidenced by their thoughtful gestures and public statements. As fans eagerly follow their journeys, moments like these remind us of the universal importance of family bonds and the simple joys of life.
Meanwhile, Anushka’s upcoming project, ‘Chakda Xpress,’ continues to build anticipation among cricket and cinema enthusiasts alike. As she portrays the inspirational life of Jhulan Goswami, Anushka’s fans are eagerly waiting to see her bring yet another powerful story to the screen.