In a unique and thought-provoking move, casting director Anmol Ahuja has embarked on a challenging journey to deliver authenticity in the upcoming film ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’. The movie, an adaptation of the Spanish film Campeones (2018), is directed by RS Prasanna and stars Bollywood heavyweights Aamir Khan and Genelia Deshmukh. It delves into the realm of intellectual disabilities, portraying the inspiring tale of a temperamental basketball coach who assembles a team of individuals with intellectual disabilities and nurtures them towards excellence at the Special Olympics.
Speaking about Aamir Khan’s influence and collaborative spirit, Ahuja says, “Working with Aamir Khan is always a dual experience—both educational and deeply inspirational, reminding me why I fell in love with cinema.” This is not Ahuja’s first collaboration with Khan, having previously worked together on the critically acclaimed film, ‘Secret Superstar’ (2017). Besides ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’, Ahuja is also teaming up with Khan for ‘Lahore 1947’ alongside the iconic Sunny Deol. “From his production company, I’ve imbibed the very essence of meritocracy. Here, genuine talent shines through. If you have the chops, you get the part; if not, you don’t. It’s all about seamlessly fitting into the character’s skin,” Ahuja shares.
The casting for ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’ was no walk in the park. Ahuja candidly describes the process as “heart-wrenching,” reflecting on the emotional toll it took on his team. Over a span of a year—from January to December 2023—the casting team engaged with numerous individuals with intellectual disabilities, gaining insights into their daily challenges and resilience. “Our mission was to find intellectually-disabled individuals who could naturally embody the characters, rather than actors proficiently mimicking such conditions. Matching the true essence of their lived experiences with the characters’ attributes was crucial,” Ahuja explains.
Indeed, the gravity of this task was significant. One of Ahuja’s team members was so moved by the process that she broke down after three arduous months. Ahuja recalls comforting her by highlighting the dedication of Aamir Khan, who had already devoted three years to the project, and RS Prasanna, who had been on board for five. “Finding the appropriate individuals took almost a year.
. Additionally, convincing their parents was a monumental task. The social trauma endured by these individuals is indescribable,” Ahuja adds. He further draws from his personal experiences at Delhi University, where accessibility for the blind was severely lacking. “There is an intrinsic sense of pain and struggle in these individuals. We were adamant about not ridiculing their genuine experiences by casting trained actors in their roles. The core message is that while they are special, they are also very much a part of us.”
The extensive search eventually culminated in identifying 12 individuals from across India. For Ahuja, a significant point of reference was his previous work on ‘Jalsa’ (2022), wherein he cast Surya Kasibhatla, an actor with cerebral palsy. “Finding Surya was a painstaking process that required substantial time. However, casting one individual is markedly different from casting an entire team,” he acknowledges. This time, the process was exponentially more demanding, both financially and emotionally. Yet, the support from Aamir Khan—both in terms of resources and emotional backing—was unwavering.
Ahuja highlights the importance of forming genuine connections with the guardians and teachers of the intellectually-disabled individuals throughout the process. Earning their trust was pivotal, and they perceived Ahuja’s team as sensitive and empathetic. “When they felt our earnestness and genuine empathy, they were more than willing to assist us,” he remarks.
In conclusion, ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’ is not just about creating a cinematic spectacle but also standing as a testament to the struggle, resilience, and identity of intellectually-disabled individuals. Anmol Ahuja’s casting choices aim to bring these authentic experiences to life on the silver screen, ensuring that their stories are told with the respect and dignity they deserve. As the film gears for release, it anticipates not just the usual box-office metrics but also a meaningful impact on societal perceptions about intellectually-disabled individuals.