Actor and director Rishab Shetty has expressed his heartfelt gratitude following his remarkable achievement at the 70th National Film Awards, where his film Kantara secured two prestigious accolades. The film not only earned Rishab Shetty the Best Actor award for his electrifying performance but was also honored with the Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment title. In a statement at a press conference held shortly after the award announcement on August 16, 2024, an elated Rishab declared, “In the film industry, they say one Friday can change everything. In my case, one film (Kantara) has changed everything.”
Reflecting on the unexpected journey of his film, Rishab Shetty emphasized the organic evolution of Kantara. “I continue to believe that Kantara wasn’t made. It just happened,” he said, highlighting the serendipitous nature of its creation and success. This sentiment mirrors the unpredictable nature of the film industry, where a single film can become a game-changer.
Earlier reports had suggested that Malayalam superstar Mammootty was a strong contender for the Best Actor Award, adding a competitive edge to the selection process. Responding to these reports, Rishab humbly acknowledged Mammootty’s legendary status and expressed his honor at being considered alongside such a stalwart. “He is a legendary actor. I am blessed to have been in the race with him,” Rishab remarked, appreciating the esteem and recognition accompanying the competition.
Rishab Shetty’s journey in the film industry has been marked by notable milestones. His first brush with national recognition came with his third directorial venture, Sarkari Hiriya Prathamika Shaale, Kasaragodu (SHPSK), which won the Best Children’s Film award. Produced under his banner, Rishab Shetty Films, SHPSK’s success set a precedent for his future works. “I only played cameos in my first three directorials. Kantara was the first film in which I essayed the lead under my direction.
. So this award feels special, especially when I look back at the days when I had begun to lose interest in acting,” he revealed.
Besides Rishab Shetty’s Kantara, the 70th National Film Awards also celebrated other significant achievements within the Kannada film industry. KGF: Chapter 2, an action-drama set in a historical context and starring Yash, won two awards. It was adjudged the best feature film in Kannada, while Anbariv masters secured the Best Action Choreography award for the film. This follows the success of KGF: Chapter 1 in 2019, which won in the Best Special Effects and Best Action Choreography categories. Both films were produced by Vijay Kiragandur under his banner Hombale Films, contributing significantly to the prominence of Kannada cinema.
The accolades weren’t limited to feature films. Veteran editor Suresh Urs, renowned for his collaborations with acclaimed director Mani Ratnam on projects like Bombay and Dil Se, emerged victorious in the Non-Feature Film section. He won the Best Editing award for the short film Madhyantara. Urs’s win underlines the depth of talent within the Kannada film industry, extending beyond actors and directors to recognize the invaluable contributions of technicians.
The twin National Awards for Kantara have indeed placed Kannada cinema on a higher pedestal, expanding its visibility and emphasizing its artistic and technical prowess. Rishab Shetty’s triumph is not just personal but also communal, symbolizing a breakthrough moment for the industry. His reverence for the craft and the collaborative efforts behind filmmaking shine through his achievements.
The celebration of Kantara and other notable works at the 70th National Film Awards showcases the diverse talent and creative potential of Kannada cinema. As these films gain recognition, they also pave the way for future projects, inspiring filmmakers to pursue ambitious ventures and push the boundaries of storytelling.
Rishab Shetty’s journey underscores the ever-evolving landscape of Indian cinema, where passion meets opportunity, and where one project can indeed change everything. His success story, accompanied by the accolades received by KGF: Chapter 2 and Madhyantara, exemplifies the spirit of Kannada cinema’s resurgence, echoing a promising future for the industry.