Mumbai: While Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut eagerly awaits the green signal from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) to release her much-anticipated political drama, ‘Emergency’, another project is already knocking on her door. On Tuesday, well-known trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to social media platform, X, to announce that Kangana has officially come on board to headline the forthcoming feature film, ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata.’
“KANGANA RANAUT TO STAR IN ‘BHARAT BHHAGYA VIDDHAATA’… #KanganaRanaut will essay the central role in #BharatBhhagyaViddhaata… The film will showcase the remarkable stories of ordinary people and their extraordinary achievements.” Adarsh wrote, alongside sharing the project’s promotional material.
This new project comes as a breath of fresh air as it seeks to spotlight the ‘working-class heroes’ of India. Directed and scripted by Manoj Tapadia, ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ promises to weave narratives around everyday individuals who perform monumental tasks that keep the country running smoothly. The film will be produced by Babita Ashiwal of Eunoia Films and Adi Sharmaa of Floating Rocks Entertainment. Together, they aim to resonate deeply with audiences by paying tribute to blue-collar workers whose contributions often go unnoticed.
Reflecting on her collaboration with Kangana, producer Babita Ashiwal expressed immense satisfaction. In a note shared by the film’s team, she remarked, “Working on this project has been incredibly rewarding. Our goal is to create content that captivates our audience. With Kangana on board, we are confident the movie will strike the right chord.”
The film’s makers have high hopes that ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ will shed light on the invaluable contributions of these unsung heroes, whose relentless efforts ensure the continuous functionality of the nation.
Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut is facing substantial delays with the release of ‘Emergency,’ a film exploring the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
. Set against the backdrop of the 21-month emergency period from 1975 to 1977, the film has been under intense scrutiny. Although earlier reports suggested that ‘Emergency’ had already received clearance from the CBFC, Kangana took to social media last week to reveal otherwise.
“There have been rumours circulating that my film Emergency has been certified by the Censor Board. This is not true. While our film did receive clearance from the CBFC, the certification was on hold due to numerous death threats against members of the censor board,” Kangana stated.
The actress also highlighted the mounting pressure to remove pivotal scenes from the movie, including the assassination of Indira Gandhi and the Punjab riots. “There is pressure being put on us to remove certain scenes. Now, I don’t know what else to show. What are we supposed to do–blackout the film during these scenes? This is unbelievable to me, and I am deeply sorry for the current state of thinking in this country,” she lamented.
‘Emergency’ also stars Anupam Kher and the late Satish Kaushik, adding to the film’s gravitas. Initially scheduled to be released on September 6, the release date now remains uncertain due to these ongoing complications.
Amidst the tumultuous journey of ‘Emergency’, the buzz around ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ provides a ray of hope not only for Kangana but also for her fans who eagerly anticipate her performances. The new film aims to connect deeply with audiences by weaving real-world narratives of strength, resilience, and extraordinary accomplishments by ordinary individuals.
Kangana’s role in ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ stands as another testament to her versatile acting prowess. In recent years, she has continually sought out roles that challenge her and push the boundaries of conventional storytelling in Bollywood. From her gripping portrayal in ‘Queen’ to her fierce role in ‘Manikarnika,’ Kangana has established herself as one of the most formidable talents in the industry.
With these back-to-back impactful projects, Kangana once again solidifies her position as a force to be reckoned with in Indian cinema. As the waiting game for the clearance of ‘Emergency’ continues, the buzz around ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ keeps her in the headlines, ensuring her relentless presence in the ever-evolving landscape of Bollywood.
In conclusion, as fans await the dual treat of ‘Emergency’ and ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata,’ it becomes evident that Kangana Ranaut remains undeterred in her mission to bring compelling, socially relevant stories to the silver screen. Both films, albeit different in scope and narrative, highlight her unwavering commitment to her craft and her desire to invoke meaningful dialogues through cinema.