Mumbai: While Kangana Ranaut’s much-anticipated film ‘Emergency’ remains in limbo awaiting certification from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), the versatile actress has already moved on to a promising new project. On Tuesday, renowned trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to social media platform X to announce that Kangana will take center stage in ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’. This upcoming film endeavors to depict the extraordinary accomplishments of ordinary people in India.
Adarsh shared, “KANGANA RANAUT TO STAR IN ‘BHARAT BHHAGYA VIDDHAATA’… #KanganaRanaut will essay the central role in #BharatBhhagyaViddhaata… The film will showcase the remarkable stories of ordinary people and their extraordinary achievements.” His post immediately generated a buzz among Kangana’s fans and movie enthusiasts alike.
The film ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ is spearheaded by director Manoj Tapadia, known for his nuanced storytelling style. It is produced under the banners of Eunoia Films by Babita Ashiwal and Floating Rocks Entertainment by Adi Sharmaa. According to the producers, the film will shine a light on the everyday heroes who keep the country functioning—those who often go unnoticed in their blue-collar jobs yet make invaluable contributions to society.
Babita Ashiwal expressed her excitement about working with Kangana in a heartfelt note shared by the film’s team. “Working on this project has been incredibly rewarding. Our goal is to create content that captivates our audience. With Kangana on board, we are confident the movie will strike the right chord,” she stated. The essence of the film, as per the creators, is to highlight the tireless efforts of ordinary citizens who work diligently behind the scenes.
While Kangana Ranaut embraces this new venture, another of her awaited projects, ‘Emergency’, remains entangled in controversy and delays.
. The film, which delves into the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the 21-month Emergency period she imposed from 1975 to 1977, has faced significant hurdles. Despite initial reports suggesting that the CBFC had cleared ‘Emergency’, Kangana recently disclosed that the film’s certification is currently stalled.
Using her social media platforms, Kangana refuted the rumors of certification clearance and shared the challenges her film is facing. “There have been rumors circulating that my film Emergency has been certified by the Censor Board. This is not true. While our film did receive clearance from the CBFC, the certification was on hold due to numerous death threats against members of the censor board,” she revealed.
Kangana elaborated on the pressures facing the film’s release, highlighting demands to cut several critical scenes. “There is pressure being put on us to remove certain scenes, such as the assassination of Indira Gandhi, the Punjab riots, and more. Now, I don’t know what else to show. What are we supposed to do—blackout the film during these scenes? This is unbelievable to me, and I am deeply sorry for the current state of thinking in this country,” she added.
The political drama ‘Emergency’ also features veteran actors Anupam Kher and the late Satish Kaushik. Originally set for release on September 6, the film’s future remains uncertain as the certification deadlock continues. Kangana’s candid revelations have only intensified public curiosity and concern over the eventual fate of ‘Emergency’.
Despite these professional challenges, Kangana remains undeterred and focused on her craft. Her involvement in ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ and the anticipation surrounding ‘Emergency’ underscore her commitment to impactful storytelling. As the wait for ‘Emergency’ drags on, the announcement of ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ offers a fresh and intriguing new narrative for the actress and her fans to look forward to.
In conclusion, Kangana Ranaut’s career continues to thrive amidst setbacks, showcasing her resilience and versatility as an artist. ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ promises to be another feather in her cap, celebrating the spirit of ordinary citizens who achieve extraordinary feats. Meanwhile, the film industry and audience alike remain keenly observant of any new developments regarding ‘Emergency’.