Mumbai: As Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut continues to face obstacles with the release of her much-anticipated film ‘Emergency’, there is a new chapter on the horizon. The celebrated actress has now been announced as the headliner for another intriguing project titled ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to social media platform X on Tuesday to share the exciting news.
“KANGANA RANAUT TO STAR IN ‘BHARAT BHHAGYA VIDDHAATA’… #KanganaRanaut will essay the central role in #BharatBhhagyaViddhaata… The film will showcase the remarkable stories of ordinary people and their extraordinary achievements,” Adarsh wrote, stirring excitement among fans and the film industry alike.
‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ is set to be directed by Manoj Tapadia, a name well-regarded in the industry for his unique storytelling techniques. The film is a collaborative production between Babita Ashiwal of Eunoia Films and Adi Sharmaa of Floating Rocks Entertainment. As per the announcement, the storyline “centres on the people without whom the country would cease to function–the working-class heroes, the blue-collar employees.”
Babita Ashiwal expressed her enthusiasm about collaborating with Kangana in a note shared by the film’s team. She said, “Working on this project has been incredibly rewarding. Our goal is to create content that captivates our audience. With Kangana on board, we are confident the movie will strike the right chord.”
The filmmakers intend to spotlight the invaluable contributions of everyday individuals who work tirelessly behind the scenes, enabling the smooth running of the country. This narrative, focusing on the real heroes among us, aims to resonate deeply with audiences across demographics.
While rejoicing in the prospects of ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’, Kangana remains occupied with her previous endeavor, ‘Emergency’. The film, which delves into the turbulent life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the 21-month emergency period from 1975 to 1977, has faced its share of hurdles.
Just last week, Kangana turned to social media to reveal the ongoing troubles surrounding the release of ‘Emergency’. Despite earlier reports suggesting that the film had received clearance from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), this is no longer the case.
“There have been rumours circulating that my film Emergency has been certified by the Censor Board. This is not true. While our film did receive clearance from the CBFC, the certification was on hold due to numerous death threats against members of the censor board,” Kangana disclosed in a candid post.
Furthermore, she added, “There is pressure being put on us to remove certain scenes, such as the assassination of Indira Gandhi, the Punjab riots, and more. Now, I don’t know what else to show. What are we supposed to do–blackout the film during these scenes? This is unbelievable to me, and I am deeply sorry for the current state of thinking in this country.”
The political drama ‘Emergency’ also features stalwarts such as Anupam Kher and the late Satish Kaushik. Initially slated for release on September 6, the film’s launch has been postponed indefinitely due to the certification issue. This ongoing saga has captured the attention of both the media and the public, who eagerly await the film’s critical portrayal of a pivotal moment in Indian history.
As Kangana navigates these challenges with ‘Emergency’, her foray into ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ provides a beacon of hope and excitement. The film aims to elevate the stories of those often overlooked in society, highlighting their commendable contributions to the nation.
The combination of Kangana’s commanding screen presence and Manoj Tapadia’s directorial prowess makes ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ a much-anticipated feature. Although the film industry is currently shrouded by controversies and challenges, such as those witnessed with ‘Emergency’, the announcement of this new venture injects a fresh wave of anticipation among cinema lovers.
In closing, while it’s a period of turbulence for Kangana with the status of ‘Emergency’ hanging in the balance, the announcement of ‘Bharat Bhhagya Viddhaata’ signifies a promising new beginning. Fans can look forward to seeing her embody the spirit of ordinary yet heroic individuals, providing yet another remarkable performance in her illustrious career.