New Delhi: After a highly successful theatrical release, the horror-comedy film sensation ‘Munjya’, featuring Abhay Verma and Sharvari Wagh, is all set for an eagerly awaited television debut. Garnering a whopping ₹130 crores worldwide, ‘Munjya’ will air its Worldwide TV First Premiere on Star Gold on Saturday, August 24, 2024, at 8 PM.
‘Munjya’ has managed to capture the imaginations of the audience with its unique mix of horror, comedy, and traditional folklore, becoming one of the year’s runaway hits. The film’s acclaim is driven by its engrossing storyline, which intricately weaves together elements of spooky folklore and humor, making it a standout success in the cinematic landscape of 2024.
In anticipation of its television premiere, lead actor Abhay Verma embarked on a groundbreaking promotional campaign titled the ‘Hunt for Munjya’. This initiative saw Verma himself taking to the bustling streets of Mumbai, delving into the city’s most haunted locations that lent their chilling atmosphere as inspiration for the film. This journey added an authentic layer to the movie’s already gripping and humorous narrative, captivating fans in an entirely new way.
Verma shared his enthusiasm for the television debut, expressing heartfelt sentiments: “Munjya holds a special place in my heart, and I’m thrilled for audiences to experience it on TV. The film was like uncovering hidden treasures with captivating stories, and exploring real-life folklore added a fascinating layer to our cinematic journey.”
Set against a backdrop of haunted peepal trees and the mysteries of forbidden romance, ‘Munjya’ follows the story of Bittu, played by Verma. Bittu finds himself caught in a labyrinthine tale that bridges the realms of past and present. Sharvari Wagh shines in her role as Bela, providing both charm and wit as the duo navigates this thrilling narrative filled with bone-chilling moments and heartfelt laughter.
As the film gears up for its TV premiere, the buzz surrounding it continues to grow. Fans of the genre are particularly excited about the television airing, hoping to catch every fright and giggle from the comfort of their living rooms. The promotional activities, especially the ‘Hunt for Munjya’, have already elevated expectations, promising an engaging watch for the audience.
Verma’s exploration of Mumbai’s haunted locales provided an eerie yet fascinating glimpse into the city’s supernatural lore.
. Places like the Mukesh Mills, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, and the Tower of Silence were among the haunted spots featured. Each location brought its own historical weight and macabre stories, deepening the atmospheric authenticity of ‘Munjya’.
Audiences have lauded the film for blending traditional spooky elements with contemporary comedy, creating a unique cinematic experience. Film critics have also praised the movie’s screenplay, direction, and performances, particularly highlighting how effectively it balances the scales between horror and humor without tipping over into predictability or clichés.
‘Munjya’ serves as a testament to the strength of Indian folklore and modern cinema’s ability to breathe new life into age-old tales. This balance has resonated well with both young and older generations, offering layers of storytelling that appeal to a broad demographic.
To further connect with fans, the makers of ‘Munjya’ have also rolled out various interactive social media campaigns, including behind-the-scenes clips, trivia quizzes, and live Q&A sessions with the cast and crew. This digital approach successfully builds excitement and fosters a sense of community among the movie’s fanbase.
As the countdown to the premiere on Star Gold continues, anticipation is at an all-time high. The film has already made a significant impact at the box office and seems poised to recreate that magic on the small screen. The makers are hopeful that ‘Munjya’s television outing will introduce the film to an even wider audience, ensuring that its spine-chilling stories and comedic essence reach every corner of households worldwide.
With the film’s narrative steeped in rich, cultural folklore and humor, the Worldwide TV First Premiere of ‘Munjya’ on Star Gold is not just another TV event but a substantial moment for fans and casual viewers alike. Ensure you mark your calendars for Saturday, August 24, 2024, at 8 PM, to witness the haunting, the hilarity, and the magic of ‘Munjya’.
The journey of ‘Munjya’ from a box-office phenomenon to a television event highlights the evolving dynamics of how films engage with audiences. This television debut is set to be a momentous occasion, cementing ‘Munjya’ not only as a cinematic gem of 2024 but also as a beloved entry in the annals of horror-comedy.