
Presidential Clash 2024: Biden and Trump Face Off in High-Stakes Debate

With opinion polls showing a very tight race for the upcoming November 5 US elections, the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and his Republican challenger, former President Donald Trump, could be a critical turning point for either political camp.

President Biden, aged 81, aims to reassure voters that he possesses the capability and vigor to continue leading the United States through its current challenges. At the same time, Trump, 78, intends to use this debate to persuade Americans to overlook his conviction in a criminal case and instead focus on his plans for the country’s future, especially its economy.

Both leaders arrived at the debate venue on Thursday afternoon. This year’s debate is hailed as “extraordinary” and distinctive, according to Nadia Bilbassy-Charters, Bureau Chief at Al Arabiya News Channel. Having covered presidential debates since the George Bush era, Bilbassy-Charters remarked to PTI, “This debate is completely different from the previous ones. It is happening for the first time before both the DNC (Democratic National Convention) in August and the RNC (Republican National Convention) in July. There is no audience, and a microphone system will cut them off if they attempt to interrupt each other.”

Bilbassy-Charters highlighted the uniqueness of the debate, pointing out, “This is extraordinary by every means. We have two candidates whom 70 percent of the American people don’t want. This election cycle mirrors the scenario of 2020, making it a critical time for America.” She emphasized that the focus would be more on the “character of the two presidents” rather than specific issues, marking a departure from previous debates.

The stakes are high tonight as many see the debate as a way to not just discuss issues but to frame the candidates themselves, according to Bilbassy-Charters. She noted the global anticipation, stating, “The whole world is really anticipating what’s going to happen. Expectations are low for President Biden. Everyone is watching to see if he can stand for the full 90 minutes without errors, whether he will maintain concentration, and if Trump will display the same intimidation tactics as before.”

Richard Latendresse, the White House correspondent for TVA-Canada, echoed the sentiment of significant anticipation for both camps. “There’s a feeling of stagnation in this campaign.

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. Nothing seems to stick to Donald Trump, but he hasn’t managed to significantly impact Joe Biden either. This debate could be the moment for each side to start gaining momentum,” he said.

Lakeyta Bonnette-Bailey, Professor of Africana Studies at Georgia State University, expressed that viewers would be tuning in to observe the candidates’ behavior and the policies they present. “I expect the candidates to discuss policy issues that resonate with their respective bases,” she stated.

Cristina Olea, TVE’s chief correspondent in Washington DC, underscored the debate’s importance, given the country’s division and the stark differences in candidates and their policies. “The race is incredibly close. Tonight, Biden needs to prove he’s not too old for office, and Trump needs to avoid coming off as overly aggressive,” she said.

Ashwin Ramaswami, a 24-year-old running for the State Senate in Georgia’s 48th District, emphasized the debate’s potential to showcase the candidates’ true beliefs. “This is an opportunity for President Biden to demonstrate why Democrats are the right choice for the country,” he told PTI. Ramaswami added the necessity for a leader who can facilitate a smooth transition and prepare the next generation of leaders.

Ajay Jain Bhaturia, a significant fundraiser for the Biden campaign, painted the debate as a stark contrast between progress and regression: “The debate between President Biden and Trump, is the debate between the light and the darkness.” Bhaturia argued that under Trump, America saw incited chaos and substantial job losses, whereas Biden’s administration brought stability and significant investments in infrastructure and employment.

Subhash Razdan, a prominent Indian American community leader, cited widespread dissatisfaction with the candidates’ quality. “In Biden, voters see the age factor, and in Trump, they see credibility issues. Party loyalty may determine the voters’ choice,” he said. Razdan predicted Trump would likely attack Biden on age and immigration issues, while Biden would question Trump’s credibility.

In a related development, the White House Correspondents Association criticized CNN, the event host, for not providing access to pool reporters inside the debate room where Biden and Trump will face off.