Ranbir Kapoor, one of Bollywood’s most beloved actors, recently opened up about the emotional turmoil he experienced following the passing of his father, the legendary actor Rishi Kapoor. In a candid interview with Nikhil Kamath for the “People by WTF” YouTube channel, Ranbir shed light on his complicated relationship with his father and the difficulties he has faced in processing his father’s death.
Ranbir Kapoor’s acknowledgment of his distant relationship with his father is not new to the public. The father-son duo’s strained bond was a topic often discussed in media circles, with many speculating on the reasons behind it. However, it wasn’t until Rishi Kapoor’s final days that the two seemed to find a semblance of reconciliation. Ranbir revealed that even now, he struggles to come to terms with his father’s demise, underscoring the lasting impact of their relationship on his emotional well-being.
Sharing an emotional recount, Ranbir described the moment he learned about his father’s impending death. “I stopped crying very early on. I didn’t even cry when my father passed away. When I was spending the night at the hospital, the doctor told me, ‘This is his last night, he is going to go anytime soon.’ I remember going up to the room and having a panic attack. I didn’t know how to express myself; there was too much happening to take in. But I don’t think I have grieved or understood the loss,” Ranbir admitted.
Ranbir’s struggle with expressing emotions extends far beyond the night of his father’s death. The actor admitted to feeling guilty for the emotional distance that characterized his relationship with Rishi Kapoor. He expressed regret for not having found a way to bridge the gap earlier. “The one year we spent together in New York during his treatment, he often spoke about that.
. I was there for 45 days, and one day he came and started crying. He had never shown that kind of weakness to me. It was so awkward for me because I didn’t know if I should hold him or hug him; I really realized the distance. I feel guilty that I didn’t have the grace to let go of the distance between us and go and hug him, give him some love,” Ranbir shared poignantly.
The revelations about his relationship with his father highlight the deep-rooted cultural and personal factors that influenced their interactions. “You are also brought up a certain way where you’re told, ‘Now you are responsible,’ and then certain things play on your mind. I have my mother, sister, wife, a child, and my father passes away… Can I show my weakness? I don’t know what it is, but I just didn’t show it,” the actor added, reflecting on the societal expectations that often stifle emotional expression, particularly among men.
Despite the complexities of his personal life, Ranbir Kapoor has continued to dedicate himself to his professional commitments. He was recently seen in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s film ‘Animal’. The movie, however, has faced significant backlash for its misogynistic and problematic themes, a criticism that has undoubtedly added another layer of challenge to Ranbir’s professional journey.
Looking forward, Ranbir is currently filming for Nitish Tiwari’s ‘Ramayana’, a highly anticipated project that has generated immense buzz in the industry. In ‘Ramayana’, Ranbir will be seen sharing the screen with noted actors like Sai Pallavi and Yash, promising a star-studded retelling of the epic. Additionally, he is also part of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s ‘Love and War’, where he will be seen alongside Alia Bhatt for the second time, following their successful collaboration in the blockbuster hit ‘Brahmāstra’.
Ranbir Kapoor’s artistic endeavors continue to captivate audiences, but it is his candid reflections on his personal life that offer a deeper understanding of the man behind the actor. His openness about the struggles of dealing with grief and reconciling with a complex father-son relationship is a testament to his human vulnerability. As he navigates through his professional and personal life, Ranbir’s journey resonates with many who understand the pain and guilt associated with unresolved familial ties.
In an industry often characterized by glitz and glamour, Ranbir Kapoor’s honesty provides a stark reminder of the shared human experience of grappling with loss and seeking closure.