In a significant development within the Malayalam film industry, actor Siddique has resigned from his position as the General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA). This comes after serious sexual assault allegations were made against him by actress Revathy Sampath. The actor-turned-general secretary submitted his resignation to actor Mohanlal, President of AMMA, as confirmed during an interaction with The Hindu.
“I submitted the resignation voluntarily since it is inappropriate to continue in that position when I am facing such an allegation. No one demanded my resignation. Let the truth come out,” stated Mr. Siddique, emphasizing his decision to step down was a personal one in light of the allegations.
Revathy Sampath’s allegations have sent shockwaves through the industry. She spoke out on Saturday evening, detailing an incident in which Mr. Siddique allegedly sexually assaulted her after inviting her to Thiruvananthapuram for an audition for a non-existent movie. According to Ms. Sampath, Siddique contacted her through social media, offering her a role in a Tamil film which would also feature his son.
“I did not doubt his intentions because he always used to call me daughter,” she narrated. “After about a year, I came to Thiruvananthapuram to take forward the offer. It was a trap. Such a movie did not exist. He sexually assaulted me for an hour in a hotel room. He hit and kicked me when I resisted. He is a criminal. Some of my friends too had similar experiences from him. I had to give up my dreams and go through a lot of mental health issues. This should happen to no one again,” she stressed.
. Sampath’s harrowing account has cast a shadow over Siddique’s long-standing career and his reputation within the Malayalam film fraternity. Mr. Siddique, when asked to comment further on the allegations, indicated that he would respond in detail after consulting with legal advisors.
Just two days before his resignation, Mr. Siddique had addressed the media on behalf of AMMA, providing the association’s official stance on the Hema committee report, which investigated the issues faced by women in the Malayalam film industry. During his address, Mr. Siddique asserted that AMMA would not support individuals who had wronged women in the industry. He had staunchly mentioned that no official complaints regarding the casting couch had been received by the organization.
“None can be sidelined in cinema merely for lodging a complaint. There has been no denial of opportunities to Women in Cinema Collective members. Casting is done based on the actor best fit for a role,” he explained, defending AMMA’s position and policies.
However, these statements are now under scrutiny given the recent allegations. Revathy Sampath’s accusations have sparked a larger dialogue about the nefarious practices that exist behind the scenes in the film industry, echoing similar movements worldwide. The outpouring of support for Ms. Sampath from various corners has highlighted the need for a thorough investigation into the matter.
The resignation of Mr. Siddique has placed AMMA in a challenging position as it tries to balance addressing these serious allegations while ensuring the smooth functioning of the association. The organization’s leadership, under President Mohanlal, now faces the task of managing the fallout and ensuring a fair and transparent process in handling the allegations.
This scenario could mark a turning point in the Malayalam film industry’s approach to handling such grave issues. It remains to be seen how AMMA will navigate these turbulent waters and what measures will be taken to prevent such incidents from recurring in the future. The credibility of the association is at stake, and its actions in these coming weeks will be crucial in shaping its future trajectory.
As the industry and the public await the results of any legal proceedings or investigations, this incident underscores the importance of addressing and rectifying predatory behaviors in all spheres of life, including the entertainment industry. The ongoing dialogue and resultant actions will hopefully pave the way for a safer and more equitable working environment for all individuals in the film industry.