In an exciting development for cinema enthusiasts, the Tamil Nadu government has issued a significant order permitting special screenings of the much-anticipated movie “GOAT” (The Greatest Of All Time), starring the illustrious actor-turned-politician Vijay. The screenings are set to take place at 9 a.m. across all cinema theaters in Tamil Nadu on Thursday, September 5, 2024, and Friday, September 6, 2024. This decision promises to bring immense joy to Vijay’s fan base and generate considerable buzz in the Tamil cinema industry.
The Home (Cinema) Department of the Tamil Nadu government issued an official Government Order (GO) on September 4, 2024, relaxing the existing regulations to facilitate these special shows. As per the GO, cinema theaters will be allowed to screen five shows per day instead of the usual four. The revised schedule ensures that the first show of the day commences at 9 a.m. and the last show wraps up at 2 a.m., providing ample opportunity for fans to catch their favorite star’s latest movie.
The producers, AGS Entertainment Private Limited, had submitted a formal request on August 24, 2024, seeking permission for these special screenings on the initial two days of the movie’s release. The Home Secretary, Dheeraj Kumar, confirmed that the request was reviewed favorably, following recommendations from the Commissioner of Revenue Administration. The Commissioner highlighted the necessity of maintaining proper security, ensuring smooth crowd management, and adhering to hygiene protocols to prevent any potential issues during the screenings.
Director Venkat Prabhu, who has helmed “GOAT,” spoke at length about the film’s unique elements in a recent interview. He praised Vijay’s impeccable sense of humor, which he shares with fellow legendary actors Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan. Prabhu expressed his excitement about presenting Vijay in a novel light that fans have long awaited. The director addressed various topics, including Vijay’s retirement rumors, the innovative usage of de-aging technology, and the mixed reactions to the film’s trailer, which has already set social media abuzz.
Archana Kalpathi of AGS Entertainment also weighed in, emphasizing that “GOAT” is a tribute to the vintage charm of Vijay, capturing the essence that has made him a beloved icon over the years.
. The film’s trailer has garnered widespread acclaim, with links available for Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi audiences, further expanding its reach.
“The Greatest of All Time,” or “GOAT,” is poised to be a landmark film in Vijay’s illustrious career. The state government’s decision to invoke Section 11 of the Tamil Nadu Cinemas (Regulation) Act of 1955 underlines the administrative backing the film has received. This section permits the exemption of cinema theaters from the usual restriction of screening only four shows per day. The G.O. stipulates that each theater can screen one special show beginning at 9 a.m., while the last show will conclude at 2 a.m. To comply with this directive, theatre licensees are required to notify the relevant licensing and tax authorities.
As all eyes turn to the big screens on September 5 and 6, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation. This landmark decision by the Tamil Nadu government underscores the cultural importance of Tamil cinema and its role in uniting communities through shared experiences. The move also sets a precedent for future film releases, potentially paving the way for other high-profile movies to receive similar exemptions.
With fans eagerly awaiting the opportunity to witness Vijay’s latest performance, theater owners are preparing for an influx of audiences. The cinema fraternity has lauded the government’s decision, seeing it as a positive step toward supporting the film industry. As the special screening dates draw nearer, the excitement is palpable, and the countdown to the grand release of “GOAT” has begun.
In conclusion, the Tamil Nadu government’s decision to allow special screenings of “GOAT” starring Vijay is a testament to the star’s enduring popularity and the pivotal role that cinema plays in the cultural fabric of the state. Fans can look forward to a unique cinematic experience that promises to be nothing short of spectacular.