Telugu star Nani has voiced his deep concern regarding the Hema Committee report, which exposes the harsh realities and levels of exploitation women face in the Malayalam film industry. The prominent actor highlighted that everyone working on movie sets must strive to set an example of how people should be treated in the profession.
The comprehensive 233-page report stands out as potentially the first of its kind for any film industry in India. It delves deeply into the power dynamics within the Malayalam cinema industry, revealing the intricate layers of exploitation that women experience.
The report was commissioned in the wake of a high-profile assault case from 2017 involving actress Dileep. Following this incident, the Kerala government appointed a panel to explore issues related to sexual harassment and gender inequality in the film industry.
“When I read this thing, it breaks my heart. But I don’t see this happening on my sets or anywhere around me. I’m sure it’s the same case with a lot of mainstream films (as) everybody’s working towards something very serious,” Nani said in a recent interview. The actor expressed his disbelief and sorrow about such issues, noting that he had never observed such behavior in his film circles. “There might have been something, but it never came to my notice on the location or everybody’s a little careful around us. So, when I read something like this, I’m like, ‘Where is this happening?’” he added.
The actor, who was promoting his upcoming film “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram,” emphasized the importance of setting a positive precedent at the workplace. “Every single person has to set the right example of how it should be at the workplace or anywhere,” he remarked.
Nani also shared his thoughts on the evolving landscape of the film industry, attributing optimism to the new generation of actors, both men and women. According to him, the fresh wave of talent brings with them a different attitude that heralds positive change. “I see a lot of change in the next generation. When I see these young ladies or someone who’s newly joining the cinema, they are not like the ones who have been around for 20 years.
. I’m seeing a lot more maturity, a lot more professionalism, and I’m hopeful that things are going to get better from here,” he stated.
Titled “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” in Telugu and “Surya’s Saturday” in Hindi, the action drama, directed by Vivek Athreya, is set to hit theaters on August 29. The film also stars SJ Suryah and Priyanka Arul Mohan in pivotal roles. Nani, aged 40, has carved a niche for himself in the film industry with notable films like “Gentleman,” “Jersey,” “Shyam Singha Roy,” “Dasara,” and “Hi Nanna.”
The Hema Committee’s findings have sparked widespread discussions across various sectors in India. The report’s revelations about systemic exploitation highlight the urgent need for industry-wide reforms. While the Malayalam cinema industry is currently under the scanner, the implications of the findings could influence change across other regional film industries as well.
In addition to unveiling the grim realities faced by women, the report has also recommended concrete steps to counter sexual harassment and promote gender equality. These include instituting gender sensitization workshops, ensuring a safe reporting mechanism for grievances, and mandating stringent codes of conduct on film sets.
Furthermore, the actor’s reflections on the report underscore the role of influential figures in shaping industry standards. Nani’s call for everyone to set a good example is a reminder that real change begins at the grassroots level. His comments come as a rallying cry for his peers and colleagues to adopt a zero-tolerance attitude towards exploitation and harassment.
Looking ahead, the movie industry in India must grapple with these pressing issues and take actionable steps to ensure a safer, more equitable workplace for all. While the road ahead is fraught with challenges, the outcry provoked by the Hema Committee report and the support from prominent figures like Nani signal a pivotal moment for transformation within the Indian film industry.
As Nani continues to promote “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram,” his stance on the Hema Committee report positions him as not just an entertainer but also a vocal advocate for industry reform. His hope for future generations to bring about positive change adds a layer of responsibility for everyone involved in the film industry, encouraging collective effort toward a safer and more inclusive environment.
In conclusion, as the debate around the Hema Committee report grows, it is a reminder of the power of cinema not just to reflect society but also to inspire change. With more voices like Nani’s speaking out, there is hope for a brighter, more equitable future for everyone in the film industry.