Mumbai: The film “Stree 2,” directed by Amar Kaushik and featuring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, has emerged as one of the most phenomenal blockbusters of the year. With an impressive box office collection of Rs 608 crore, the movie has etched itself into the annals of cinematic history. Helmed by Amar Kaushik, the franchise continues to captivate audiences, with the director likening its expansive universe to his personal ‘Harry Potter.’
One of the crucial elements contributing to the success of “Stree 2” has been its engaging cameos, with none more surprising than that of Bollywood megastar Akshay Kumar. His role in the film was kept under wraps, making it an unexpected treat for moviegoers. This cameo has sparked widespread curiosity among fans and cinephiles alike, raising the burning question: Will Akshay Kumar make an appearance in the next installment, “Stree 3”?
Addressing this speculation, Amar Kaushik provided some insights during an interview with ANI. “It depends on the script. If the story demands it, he (Akshay Kumar) would be seen. Otherwise, he won’t be,” the director stated. This statement has added an air of suspense and anticipation, leaving fans anxious to see whether the superstar will return to the hauntingly delightful world of “Stree.”
Delving deeper into the future of the franchise, Amar Kaushik offered an optimistic timeline for “Stree 3.” He noted, “I think ‘Stree 2’ took six years to make from the first film. However, ‘Stree 3’ won’t take six years; it will take at least three years.” This time frame is certainly a relief for fans who are eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
Furthermore, Kaushik expressed his gratitude for the overwhelming support from audiences. “I am thankful to the audience and everyone who watched the film and shared messages. We have to put in a lot of hard work, and the credit goes to everyone, including the stars, producers, and technicians,” he said.
. The director’s heartfelt acknowledgment underscores the team effort involved in bringing such a successful film to life.
Amar Kaushik is no stranger to success in Indian cinema. Known for his ability to weave unique narratives with mass appeal, his previous works include “Bhediya,” starring Varun Dhawan. His continued dedication to storytelling and attention to detail have made him a revered figure in the industry.
Talking about his vision for the “Stree” franchise, Kaushik compared its universe to that of ‘Harry Potter,’ indicating his ambition to grow and expand it over time. The comparison is not unfounded, given the layers of folklore, humor, and horror woven into the narrative fabric of “Stree” that captivate the audience much like J.K. Rowling’s magical world.
In terms of production techniques and collaborative effort, Kaushik reiterated the crucial roles played by various members of his creative team. “From our stars to the crew behind the cameras, every person involved contributed significantly to the film’s success,” he noted. The director’s inclusive approach to crediting highlights the collective effort essential for making a blockbuster.
For those yearning for more details about “Stree 3,” Kaushik’s hints about Akshay Kumar provide a tantalizing glimpse into the potential depth and surprises that fans can expect. The strategic ambiguity maintained by the director ensures that speculations and discussions surrounding the next installment remain active, keeping the hype alive.
In conclusion, “Stree 2” has not only set high standards at the box office but also laid a solid foundation for the future of the franchise. While Kaushik maintains a measured approach to revealing details about “Stree 3,” the groundwork laid by the previous installments offers much to look forward to. Whether Akshay Kumar will reprise his role remains a mystery tied to the script’s requirements, adding another layer of intrigue. Underneath the suspense and the horror-comedy elements, it’s the collective effort of the entire team that continues to resonate with audiences, ensuring that the “Stree” universe remains an eagerly anticipated cinematic event.