Justin Kurzel’s crime thriller, “The Order,” made an electrifying debut at this year’s Venice Film Festival, receiving a standing ovation lasting just shy of ten minutes from a captivated audience at the famed Sala Grande. The atmosphere was pulsating as the film’s premiere concluded, with director Kurzel and leading cast members Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult, Tye Sheridan, and Jurnee Smollett embracing amidst the overwhelming applause, an emotionally charged moment that reflected the film’s powerful impact.
Set against the grim backdrop of the 1980s Pacific Northwest, “The Order” weaves a narrative rich with tension and intrigue, chronicling a spate of bank robberies and car heists that left local communities in terror. Jude Law takes on the role of an FBI agent who, through his investigations, begins to suspect that these robberies are more than just financially motivated crimes. His character’s suspicions lead him to uncover a sinister domestic terrorist organization, the white supremacist gang known as “The Order,” with Nicholas Hoult delivering a chilling performance as its ruthless leader. The film is an adaptation of Kevin Flynn and Gary Gerhardt’s 1989 book, “The Silent Brotherhood,” which details the confrontations between law enforcement and far-right extremists.
The red carpet event was a spectacle in itself, with stars adorning the Lido and engaging with an enthusiastic crowd. The official social media channels for the festival lit up with excitement: “#BiennaleCinema2024 #Venezia81 It’s raining stars here at the Lido! #JudeLaw and @NicholasHoult, together with director #JustinKurzel and the rest of the cast of #TheOrder, made our Red Carpet a real sensation tonight.”
Earlier in the day, a press conference shed light on the intense preparation the cast underwent for their roles. Nicholas Hoult revealed that he and Law chose to refrain from interacting during the initial four weeks of filming. This deliberate distance helped build a palpable tension between their characters, echoing the animosity and conflict depicted in the film. Jude Law commented on the film’s contemporary relevance, stating, “Sadly, the relevance speaks for itself. It felt like a piece of work that needed to be made now.”
Director Justin Kurzel chimed in on this theme as well, emphasizing how the film reflects current global divisions and the perilous ideologies that seem to be gaining traction. Kurzel noted, “The themes explored in The Order are not confined to America; they are equally pertinent to my home country, Australia, and indeed globally.
As the film is poised to make its U.S. debut this December, anticipation builds among international audiences. Amazon Prime Video, which has acquired distribution rights, will be bringing “The Order” to a plethora of international markets, ensuring that Kurzel’s gripping narrative reaches a global audience.
The film’s ability to intertwine historical context with present-day issues resonated deeply with the Venice audience. Several scenes brought stark reminders of current socio-political climates, drawing gasps and intense reactions from viewers. Jude Law’s portrayal of the determined FBI agent was lauded for its depth and complexity, showcasing an inner struggle as he grapples with the external chaos around him. In contrast, Nicholas Hoult’s transformation into the fanatical leader of “The Order” was both terrifying and compelling, leaving a lasting impression on viewers and critics alike.
Tye Sheridan and Jurnee Smollett also delivered noteworthy performances that added texture and depth to the narrative. Sheridan’s character, a young recruit in the gang, brings a sense of vulnerability and conflict, illustrating the lure of extremist ideologies on impressionable minds. Jurnee Smollett’s role as a journalist fervently investigating the gang’s activities provided a counterbalance, representing the power of the press and the pursuit of truth amidst the turmoil.
The acclaim for “The Order” at Venice is a testament to its skilful storytelling, powerful performances, and the unsettling relevance of its themes. As the film gears up for its wider release, it promises to provoke thought and discussion, an essential contribution to the discourse surrounding domestic terrorism and far-right extremism.
In this emotionally charged and politically pertinent film, Justin Kurzel has crafted a narrative that not only entertains but also encourages audiences to reflect on the divisions within society and the dangerous ideologies that can arise from them. As the Venice ovation suggests, “The Order” is not just a film; it is a compelling statement on the state of the world today.