
Leadership Transition at NOGA amid Strategic Reorientation

Peter-Paul de Goeij, who has been a significant figure at the Dutch Online Gaming Association (NOGA) since 2019, will step down from his role as director effective 1 July. According to an announcement from NOGA, De Goeij is set to emigrate, marking the end of his impactful tenure. In his place, Eric Konings, who has been with the organization since 2022, will serve as the interim director. Joining Konings in these transitional times is former Staatsloterij chief executive Frans van Steenis, who will provide support in this interim period.

Remko de Boer, the chairman of NOGA’s board of directors, heaped praise on De Goeij for his contributions over the past five years. “We are very grateful to Peter-Paul for his efforts over the past five years, in which he has excellently shaped the transformation from SpeelVerresponsible to NOGA,” De Boer stated. “This has enabled NOGA to properly represent the interests of its members, in a tumultuous time for the industry.”

De Goeij reflected positively on his tenure, particularly the landmark shift marked by the opening of the Dutch online gaming market. “The past few years have been hectic, with the opening of the Dutch online gaming market as an absolute highlight. I am now stepping down, but I am convinced that the sector will continue to make efforts to provide a safe and responsible gaming offering. That is and remains the best way to achieve optimal consumer protection,” he said.

Essentially, De Goeij’s departure comes at a critical juncture for NOGA, providing the organization with a window to undergo a “strategic reorientation” amid challenging market conditions. This reorientation is anticipated to address the hurdles within the Dutch sector and chart a new course for NOGA’s future endeavors.

Assuming his interim responsibilities, Konings articulated his commitment to collaborate with Van Steenis during this pivotal phase. “The industry is facing some major challenges in the current political and social climate, and I look forward to helping NOGA members navigate this,” Konings said. “In addition, NOGA is explicitly considering how the representation of the industry’s interests can be organized in a future-proof manner.”

Van Steenis emphasized the need for enhanced clarity and cooperation among all stakeholders within the gaming sector. “A lot is happening in the gaming sector at the moment.

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. Licensed providers, policymakers, and society benefit from more clarity and better cooperation. I want to explore how bridges can be built between all those involved in the gambling dossier,” he stated.

De Goeij’s departure also coincides with a host of regulatory shifts and proposals reshaping the Dutch gambling landscape. For instance, a ban on untargeted advertising was put into effect in July 2023. Recently, the legislative house voted to proscribe all online gambling advertisements as of April this year. Additionally, the bill includes a ban on “high-risk gambling” activities, such as online slots.

Despite the legislative house’s affirmative vote, the fate of the law remains in flux. The bill was forwarded to Franc Weerwind, the Netherlands minister for legal protection, for further review. However, Weerwind’s anticipated departure amid governmental changes casts a shadow of uncertainty over the future of this legislation.

Adding to the complexities is a proposal aimed at hiking the gambling tax rate to 37.8%. This proposal is part of a broader coalition agreement put forth by the political parties PVV, VVD, NSC, and BBB. If enacted, this tax increase is projected to bolster the state treasury with an additional €202 million annually, derived from gambling tax contributions.

As NOGA navigates these significant changes, the organization remains committed to ensuring that the interests of its members are effectively represented and safeguarded. The strategic reorientation will seek not only to address immediate challenges but also to set a sustainable course for the future. With Konings at the helm and the invaluable support of Van Steenis, NOGA aims to foster a climate of cooperation and clarity within the gaming sector, ensuring that all stakeholders can work collaboratively towards a safer and more responsible gambling environment.

The upcoming months are pivotal as NOGA looks to reorient itself strategically amidst evolving regulations, political developments, and industry challenges. The leadership transition, guided by Konings and Van Steenis, marks a significant chapter in NOGA’s journey, aiming to solidify its role as a key representative body for the Dutch gaming industry.