
Limerick’s Fortunate Shop Emerges Again with Lotto Winning Ticket Worth €8.9m

In a stroke of incredible fortune, Garryowen Stores in Limerick City has once again graced the headlines as the site of a monumental lottery win. The National Lottery has revealed that the winning ticket for Saturday’s Lotto jackpot, worth an astounding €8,970,934, was sold at this very store. This remarkable event places Garryowen Stores in the annals of National Lottery history as the point of sale for some of the largest wins ever.

The thrilling announcement came after a lucky Lotto player in Limerick successfully matched all six numbers plus the bonus in Saturday night’s draw. The numbers that turned a regular weekend into an unforgettable one were 01, 09, 10, 14, 26, 40, with the bonus number being 04.

Garryowen Stores has a storied past when it comes to life-changing lottery wins. It is the same location where Dolores McNamara purchased her record-breaking EuroMillions ticket in 2005. McNamara became Ireland’s first EuroMillions jackpot winner when she landed an astonishing €115 million. At that time, it was the largest lottery win in Europe, and McNamara’s life changed overnight.

McNamara’s historic win propelled her to No. 70 on Ireland’s rich list, surpassing notable figures such as Manchester United captain Roy Keane and Hollywood actor Colin Farrell. She shared a fascinating behind-the-scenes detail about her win, revealing that she initially intended to buy lines for the National Lottery. A mix-up at the counter led to her purchasing a €2 EuroMillions ticket instead. Reflecting on that moment, she said, “I didn’t know that this was a different draw to the Saturday night one on RTÉ television, so I just said yes. The lady asked if it was a quick-pick I wanted. I said it was. I wouldn’t have bothered staying to do it if I’d had to pick out numbers and mark them on a slip.

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Saturday’s lucky winner joins a prestigious club of Lotto jackpot winners, marking the third such win of 2024. With a life-altering sum of nearly €9 million on the line, the search is on for the lucky ticket holder who has yet to come forward.

The National Lottery is issuing a fervent appeal to all Lotto players in Limerick, urging them to meticulously check their tickets from Saturday night’s draw. Given the ticket was sold in the Limerick City area for the April 20 draw, someone out there is now the holder of a ticket worth over €8.9 million. The organization is encouraging players to scour their tickets and get in touch if they are the fortunate holder of the winning numbers.

In light of this significant win, the National Lottery reminds participants to act promptly in checking their tickets to claim their prize. Delays in coming forward might lead to complications, and the organization is keen on making sure that the winner enjoys their newfound wealth without unnecessary hitches.

Garryowen Stores’ reputation as a harbor of luck continues to grow with this latest win. The store had already etched its name in lottery lore with McNamara’s thumping EuroMillions success in 2005, and now it has further cemented its status with this latest Lotto jackpot.

The community of Limerick has reacted with understandable excitement and curiosity. Local residents and Lotto players are abuzz with the news, hoping to catch a glimpse of the new millionaire and celebrate the store’s continued streak of extraordinary luck.

Lotto enthusiasts can further stay updated by signing up for the National Lottery’s daily newsletter, which delivers the latest news directly to subscribers’ inboxes. The Irish Mirror’s breaking news service on WhatsApp also offers timely updates and insights, while presenting chances for special offers, promotions, and more.

As the spotlight remains on Garryowen Stores and the mysterious winner yet to come forward, Limerick City finds itself once more in the heartwarming embrace of fortune. With this latest windfall, perhaps it won’t be long before another tale of luck and prosperity fills the airwaves and headlines, further enriching Ireland’s rich lottery heritage.