Navya Naveli Nanda, the granddaughter of Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan, has recently announced her admission to the prestigious Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in Ahmedabad. Navya, who will be part of the Blended Post Graduate Programme (BPGP) class of 2026, shared her joy and excitement on social media. However, the euphoria was short-lived as she found herself at the receiving end of unwarranted criticism from trolls who accused her of using her celebrity status to gain admission.
Taking to Instagram, Navya shared a series of pictures from the IIM campus that capture her enthusiasm and happiness about this new chapter in her life. In one of her initial posts, she expressed her feelings by saying, “Dreams do come true! The next 2 years… with the best people & faculty! Blended Post Graduate Programme (BPGP) Class of 2026.” The post included images of Navya dressed in a formal black suit, illustrating her readiness for her academic journey ahead.
She also uploaded pictures highlighting the lush green campus and her new friends, portraying a vibrant and supportive environment. In one of the more personal pictures, she is seen cutting a celebratory cake, a token of victory and gratitude towards her teacher, Prasad Sir, who she credited for helping her crack the crucial CAT/IAT entrance examinations. “Thank you to @mba_ims for coaching me for the entrance exams. This is Prasad Sir, who played the biggest hand in coaching & preparing me to crack the CAT/IAT entrance exams. One of the BEST teachers I have ever had the honour of learning from. Us celebrating at the @mba_ims office the day I received my acceptance,” she wrote on her Instagram Stories.
However, the news of Navya’s admission was met with skepticism and criticism from some quarters.
. Minutes after her announcement, a wave of trolls descended on her post, alleging that her admission was purely the result of her influential family background. One particularly intrusive comment suggested, “You just got admitted due to your influence and you’re not even doing a 2-year MBA there!”
Unfazed by the negativity, Navya took a stand by directly addressing one of the trolls via Instagram’s Direct Messaging (DM) feature. In a post shared later on Reddit, a user revealed that they had confronted Navya about her admission. To their surprise, she responded with clarity and poise, writing, “It’s a 2-year Blended Post Graduate Program! Please visit their website for further details regarding admissions criteria & syllabus thank you for your wishes!”
Navya’s dignified and informative response served to shut down the speculation and emphasize the legitimacy of her academic journey. Her calm demeanor in handling the situation has been widely appreciated by her followers.
Navya Nanda, despite coming from a lineage known for its cinematic glory, has carved her own identity in fields that reflect her passions and interests. In 2021, she launched ‘Project Naveli’, an initiative aimed at tackling gender inequality in India. Additionally, she has ventured into digital content creation with her podcast ‘What The Hell Navya’, featuring candid discussions with her mother Shweta Bachchan and grandmother Jaya Bachchan.
The backlash surrounding her IIM Ahmedabad admission sheds light on the broader issues of celebrity scrutiny and the challenges that high-profile individuals often face when they step outside their expected roles. While coming from a famous family can offer certain advantages, it also comes with its own set of unique challenges, including public scrutiny and unfounded allegations.
As Navya embarks on her two-year academic journey at one of India’s finest institutions, she not only represents herself but also symbolizes the ambitions and aspirations of many young Indians who seek to achieve their dreams despite societal pressures and presumptions. With her academic pursuits and entrepreneurial ventures, Navya continues to forge a path that is distinctively her own, inspiring many along the way.
Navya’s composed rebuttal to the trolls and her continuous endeavors in various fields showcase her resilience and determination. As she steps into this new phase of her life, it remains clear that she is not merely riding on her family’s coattails but making significant strides based on her merit and hard work. This narrative serves as a positive reminder that with dedication and perseverance, one can rise above detractors and reach new heights.