Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi celebrates his birthday on September 3. He made his acting debut in 2002 with Ram Gopal Varma’s ‘Company’ and became an instant hit with his powerful performances in films such as ‘Saathiya’, ‘Yuva’, ‘Shootout at Lokhandwala’, ‘Omkara’, and ‘Rakht Charitra.’ However, he tasted failure with duds such as ‘Prince’, ‘Dum’, ‘Kyun! Hogaya Na’, ‘Naksha’, and ‘Home Delivery: Aapko… Ghar Tak’ among many others. Despite these setbacks, his journey is a testament to resilience and adaptability.
Oberoi married Priyanka Alva on October 29, 2010, and they are doting parents to a son and a daughter. While celebrating his personal milestones, Vivek has also navigated the professional challenges posed by an unpredictable film industry. This is an industry where the ascent to fame is swift, but the fall can be equally dramatic. Despite being a prolific actor, Vivek Oberoi isn’t as active as his contemporaries. How then does he sustain his lifestyle in such demanding times?
In an interview with Indian Express, Vivek revealed that entrepreneurship became his lifeline after his acting career hit a rough patch. “When I started struggling in Bollywood, even after being a successful actor, I faced numerous difficulties,” Oberoi shared. “Challenges kept arising even after I had proved my skills. There was a different kind of pressure when film offers stopped coming in. That was my main source of income—I was running my house, charitable foundation, paying my staff, and making event appearances with money earned from movies.”
Vivek’s philanthropic endeavors included running a school in Vrindavan and helping cancer patients. Therefore, when his income from movies started drying up and roles stopped coming in, he realized the need to find a sustainable way to continue these charitable activities. “Philanthropy is a big part of my life. I needed to be financially secure. I never asked for money from anyone, not even my father.
. So, I decided to dive into business.”
Turning towards entrepreneurship, Vivek’s foray into business was multifaceted. He became heavily involved in real estate and founded several technology companies, many of which saw substantial growth. “Today, I have invested in around 29 companies,” Vivek disclosed.
His involvement in multiple businesses is a reflection of both success and the importance of diversification. The actor’s ability to manage various companies simultaneously showcases his acumen beyond the silver screen.
In a Dubai-based podcast, AB Talks, Vivek shared his insights on success and failure. “When it comes to Bollywood, and not just Bollywood because I think you can apply this to any field, I’ve seen great heights and lows. My father once told me that your acting never fails, the attempt does not succeed,” he said. “If it does not succeed, then move on. The day you really fail is the day you stop moving on. You can’t dwell too much on your own success because it will make you complacent.”
This philosophy has guided Vivek through his career, propelling him to keep moving forward despite setbacks. The realization that complacency can be a career killer is something he emphasizes, suggesting that staying grounded and ready to evolve is crucial for long-term success.
Looking forward, Bollywood fans have reasons to be excited. Vivek Oberoi is set to reunite with Riteish Deshmukh and Aftab Shivdasani for the fourth installment of the comedy film series ‘Masti.’ Directed by Milap Zaveri and produced by Indra Kumar alongside Ashok Thakeria of Maruti International, with A Jhunjhunwala and SK Ahluwalia of Waveband Productions, this project signifies a rejuvenation of collaboration among actors who have previously created box office magic together.
Despite experiencing both the highs of stardom and the lows of box office failures, Vivek Oberoi’s journey exemplifies resilience and adaptability. From the bright lights of Bollywood to the dynamic world of business, his story is an evocative reminder that perseverance and the willingness to pivot can pave the way for continued success. As he prepares for his upcoming film and manages his business ventures, it is evident that Vivek Oberoi has mastered the art of balancing ambition with grounded pragmatism.